quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Ler mais qualquer coisa...

Gotta Keep Reading
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
...Cause this book’s gonna be a good good book to read
Ooo hoo
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good good book to read
Pick up that book
And turn the page
You’ll never know
Just what you’ll find
Or Fantasy
Drama and Art
All make you smart!
I know that you’ll have a ball
If you turn off the TV and just read them all
Just think, with a book you’ll be so entertained
OMS has the best readers in F.L.A
Fill up my mind
With non fiction
Let’s get the facts
And use them up
Feed your brain
And then we’ll just keep on reading
And reading and reading and reading and reading
And reading and reading
Lets read it some more
Reading and reading and reading reading reading
Keep reading and reading and reading
Gotta Keep Reading
Ooo hoo
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good good book to read
Ooo hoo
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good good book to read
I got my book!
Do you have yours?
What is the title?
And who’s it by?
Where is it set?
Maybe in Spain?
Is it fiction?
Or is it real?
Will it be happy?
Or maybe sad?
Let’s see what happens
By reading on
Open that book
And have a look
It’s an adventure
So keep on reading that book
Keep reading and reading and reading and reading
And reading and reading lets read it some more
Read it and read it and read it read it read it
And read it and read it and read it read it read it read it
Here we come, here we go we gotta read (read read read)
Easy come easy go now we can’t stop
Fill that shelf with those books
Way to the top
Round and round
Read those books
Around the clock
Action, Sci-Fi, Humor, Adventure
Biography, Reality, Mystery and Fantasy
Read read read read read it up
What ever you like
Read those Sunshine States
Take those Reading Counts
Gotta Keep Reading
Ooo hooo
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good good book to read
Ooo hoo
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good book
Cause this book’s gonna be a good good book!
Ohh hoo…..
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Sentimentos de Verão...

«Agora que o silêncio é um mar sem ondas,
E que nele posso navegar sem rumo,
Não respondas
...Às urgentes perguntas
Que te fiz.
Deixa-me ser feliz
Já tão longe de ti como de mim.

Perde-se a vida a desejá-la tanto.
Só soubemos sofrer, enquanto
O nosso amor
Mas o tempo passou,
Há calmaria...
Não perturbes a paz que me foi dada.
Ouvir de novo a tua voz seria
Matar a sede com água salgada.»

Miguel Torga